Funded Grants (a total of ~$72,195,299)
51. Adapting socio-ecological systems to increased climate variability , State of Oklahoma, Regents for High Education, 06/01/2013 – 05/31/2018, $4,000,000
50. Adapting socio-ecological systems to increased climate variability , National Science Foundation, IIA (Office of International and Integrated Activities, 06/01/2013 – 05/31/2018, $20,000,000
49. Remote sensing of water quality and harmful algae in Oklahoma’s Oklahoma Water Resources Research Institute (fund from the USGS and Oklahoma Water Resources Board, 03/01/2013 – 02/28/2014, $50,000
48. Effects of anthropogenic habitat perturbation on rodent population dynamics and risk of rodent-borne diseases, Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research, 11/01/2012 – 10/31/2016 , $30,000
47. Comparative spillover dynamics of avian influenza in endemic countries, NIH Fogarty International, 09/17/2012 – 09/16/2013, $77,438
46. Resilience and vulnerability of beef cattle production in the Southern Great Plains under changing climate, land use and market, USDA–NIFA–AFRI, 09/01/2012 – 08/31/2017, $1,927,475
45. Acquisition of a COSMOS instrument for continuous measurements of soil moisture at landscape scale, 06/1/2012 – 12/31/2012, $15,000
44. Optimizing grassland bird conservation in an era of biofuel production, 06/15/2012 – 11/14/2015, $466,535
43. Collaborative Research: IDBR: Enhancing and disseminating miniaturized tracking technology for widespread use on small migratory songbirds, NSF Instrumentation Development for Biological Research, 02/01/2012 – 8/31/2014, $302,603
42. OU University Strategic Organization (USO): South – Central Climate Science Center, 10/1/2011 – 9/30/2016, $750,000
41. DOI USGS South – Central Climate Science Center , Department of Interior, 10/1/2011 – 9/30/2016, $1,484,681
40. Dynamics of cross-species influenza transmission: A multi-national collaboration: China, Cameroon and Egypt, NIH/FIC, 10/1/2011 – 9/30/2012, $200,000
39. Integrating Earth observation and satellite telemetry of wild birds for decision support system of avian influenza , USGS, FAO/UN, NASA Applied Science Program – Public Health, 4/1/2011 – 3/30/2013, $149,943
38. Quantifying changes in agricultural intensification, expansion and gross primary production in monsoon Asia during 2000- NASA Land Cover and Land Use Change Program, 5/1/2011 – 4/30/2014, $606,458
37. Ecology-based risk assessment and early warning of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 in Asia (Year 2 supplement), NIH/FIC,10/1/2010 – 9/30/2011, $212,500
36. International workshop on community-based data synthesis, analysis and modeling of avian influenza in Asia, 10/1/2010 – 9/30/2011, $150,000
35. Acquisition of extensible Petascale storage for data intensive research, NSF Major Research Instrument, 10/1/2010 – 9/30/2013, $792,925
34. The Oklahoma Optical Initiative NSF 09-569 EPSCoR RII C2, 9/1/2010 – 8/30/2012, $1,176,470
33. Modeling impacts of climate change on carbon dynamics in northern high latitude wetlands , NASA ROSE2008, 9/1/2009 – 6/30/2013, $39,100
32. Understanding Transmission and Dynamics of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1: Geospatial Datasets and Modeling at Multiple Scales, 10/1/2009 – 9/30/2010, $200,000
31. Web-based data sharing and integration for surveillance and ecology of zoonotic infectious, National Institutes of Health, Fogarty International Center, 9/1/2009 – 8/30/2011, $60,000
30. Seasonal migration of wild waterfowl and its role in transmission of avian, National Institutes of Health, Fogarty International, 9/1/2009 – 8/30/2011, $240,000
29. Collaborative Research: EPSCoR Track 2 Oklahoma and Kansas: A CyberCommons for ecological forecasting, National Science Foundation, 9/1/2009 – 8/31/2012, $3,000,000
28. Collaborative Research: EPSCoR Track 2 Oklahoma and Kansas: A CyberCommons for ecological forecasting, State of Oklahoma, Regents for Higher Education, 9/1/2009 – 8/31/2012, $300,000
27. Cooperative Agreement: Ecology of wild migratory birds and avian influenza, USGS, 8/27/2008 – 8/26/2013, $88,134
26. International workshops for community-based data synthesis, analysis and modeling of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 in Asia, National Institutes of Health, Fogarty International Center, 7/1/2008 – 6/30/2009, $149,898
25. Quantifying agro-ecological risk factors of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Java, Indonesia, National Institutes of Health, Fogarty International Center, 7/1/2008 – 6/30/2009, $149,998
24. Developing land cover data products in monsoon Asia over the period of 2004-2007 through integration of Landsat and multi-temporal ALOS/PALSAR images NASA ROSE2007-A2 Land Cover and Land Use Change, 6/1/2008 – 5/31/2010, $690,255
23. Quantifying leaf chlorophyll content, light absorption by chlorophyll and gross primary production, NASA ROSES-EOS Data Analysis, 1/1/2008 – 12/31/2010, $540,946
22. Enhancing research and education capacity for integration of Earth observations, infectious disease ecology and public health in New Hampshire, NASA CAN EPSCoR, 1/1/2008 – 12/31/2010, $749,222 (plus additional $518,475 matching-fund)
21. Northern Eurasia Landscape: Interactions between humans, hydrology, land cover and land use, NASA ROSE2007-A2 Land Use and Land Cover Change, 6/1/2008 – 5/31/2011, $672,476
20. Integrating satellite- and ground-based data products to support geospatial visualization, analysis and modeling, USAID and Wildlife Conservation Society, 7/1/2007 – 5/10/2008 (extension to 5/10/2009), $187,174
19. US-Japan Workshop on Monsoon Asia Tropical Forest Carbon Dynamics and Sustainability, National Science Foundation, 10/1/2007 – TBD, $49,797
18. Advancing our understanding of the Earth system through coupled carbon-climate modeling and modeling, NAS, 4/1/2007 – 3/31/2010, $978,151
17. Remote sensing based avian influenza risk assessment, The Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations, 5/1/2006 – 4/30/2007, $168,500
16. Ecology-based risk assessment and early warning of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Asia, National Institutes of Health, Fogarty International Center, 9/15/2006 – 9/14/2010, $1,557,579
15. The role of land cover and land use change in the hydrology of the Eurasia pan-Arctic, NASA , 1/1/2006 – 12/31/2008, $599,375
14. Contribution of changes in land use land cover, water use and climate to the hydrological cycle across the central Asian states, NASA, 6/1/2005 – 5/31/2008, $598,725
13. Synthesis and integration of ecological research within the Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazon (LBA) and Science Support for LBA-ECO, NASA , 1/1/2005 – 12/31/2007, $899,000
12. Northern Eurasia carbon – land Use – climate interaction in the semi-arid, NASA Land Use and Land Cover Change Program, 1/1/2005 – 12/31/2007, $201,600
11. Quantifying CO2 fluxes from boreal forests in Northern Eurasia: An integrated analysis of flux tower data, remote sensing data and biogeochemical modeling, NASA Land Use and Land Cover Change Program, 1/1/2005 – 12/31/2007, $654,680
10. Scaling and evaluation of ecosystem carbon uptake through integration of multi-scale remote sensing with AmeriFlux and NACP field observations, NASA Terrestrial Ecology Program, 1/1/2005 – 12/31/2007, $835,096
9. Understanding the changing carbon, nitrogen and water cycles in the Earth System, NASA Terrestrial Ecology Program, 2004-2006 (2007 no-cost extension), $1,482,239
8. Improving estimation of terrestrial gross primary, NASA Education Program, 2003-2006, $72,000
7. Assessing the influence of Asian rice paddies on the growth rate of atmospheric methane 1980-2020, NASA Terrestrial Ecology Program, 2002-2005, $432,000
6. Predicting changes in regional and global biogeochemical cycles, NASA Terrestrial Ecology Program, 2001-2004, $2,525,000
5. Land use change in temperate East Asia: Land cover changes impacts on carbon fluxes and land productivity, NASA Land Use and Land Cover Change Program, 2001-2004, $224,600
4. Quantifying the Atmospheric Impacts of Paddy Rice Agriculture in China, NASA/NSF/DOE/USDA/EPA TECO Program, 1997-2001, $845,000
3. Modeling the Biogeochemical System of the Terrestrial Amazon: Issues for Sustainability, NASA, 1997-2000, $566,000
2. Terrestrial biospheric responses to atmospheric deposition and application to integrated Assessment, NSF, 1997-2000, $63,064
1. Center of Excellence for Application of Remote Sensing to Regional and Global Integrated Environmental Assessment, NASA, 1997-1998, $396,000