Dong, J., Xiao, X., Kou, W., Qin, Y., Zhang, G., and Biradar, C. ,
A Landsat-based paddy rice mapping platform (Landsat-RICE) based on time series Landsat images and phenology-based algorithms.
, NASA Land-Cover and Land-Use Change Science Team Meeting, 04/23-04/25/2014,
Zhang, J.; Hambright D., Xiao, X.,
Detecting Chlorophyll and Phycocyanin in Lake Texoma Using in Situ Photo from GPS Digital Camera and Landsat 8 OLI Imagery
, Remote Sensing Applications for Water Resources Management I Posters (H43G-1546). The American Geophysical Union (AGU), Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 12/08-12/13/2013. (Poster), Dec. 12, 2013
Dong, J., Xiao, X., Li, L., Tenku, S., Zhang, G., Biradar, C.,
Improved estimation of forest area in tropical Africa through ALOS/PALSAR 50-m orthorectified mosaic images
, B23D: Dynamics of Global Forests Under a Changing Climate II Posters (B23D-0580). The American Geophysical Union (AGU), Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 12/08-12/13/2013. (Poster), Dec. 9, 2013
Jin, C., Xiao, X., Dong, J., Wang, Z., Song, K.,
Mapping paddy rice using multi-temporal Landsat imagery in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China.
, Earth Observations for Global Agricultural Monitoring II Posters (B41A-0389). The American Geophysical Union (AGU), Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 12/08-12/13/2013. (Poster), Dec. 9, 2013
Xiao, X, Biradar, C., Dorovskoy, P.and Dong, J.,
Global Geo-Referenced Field Photo Library and its application for agriculture
, The 2nd Agro-Geoinformatics (2013), George Mason University, MD, Aug. 12, 2013
Xiao, X.,
Recent advance in citizen science and remote sensing of rice agriculture
, 5th International workshop on Community-based Data Synthesis, Analysis and Modelling of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Asia, Hanoi, Vietnam, May 27, 2013
Jinwei Dong, Xiangming Xiao, Chandrashekhar Biradar, Bangqian Chen, Nathan Torbick, and Guishui Xie. ,
A simple and robust automated approach to map rubber plantations from PALSAR, Landsat and MODIS.
, NASA Land-Cover and Land-Use Change Science Team Meeting, Rockville, Maryland, 04/02-04/04/2013 (poster),
Nyambayar Batbayar*, John Y. Takekawa, Tseveenmyadag Natsagdorj, Xiangming Xiao, Diann J. Prosser, Scott H. Newman,
Migration of Swan Goose (Anser cygnoides) from Northeastern Mongolia
, 12th North American Arctic Goose Conference and Workshop, Portland, Oregon, Jan. 11, 2013
Jinwei Dong, Xiangming Xiao, Sage Sheldon, Chandrashekhar Biradar.,
A comparison of forest cover maps in Mainland Southeast Asia from multiple sources: PALSAR, MERIS, MODIS and FRA
, , GC51B: Spatiotemporal Change Detection and the Data Infrastructure of Environmental Observatories I Posters The American G,
Hambright, K.D., Zhang, J., Easton, J.D., Easton, A.C., Biradar, C., Xiao, X.,
The potential use of remote sensing and citizen science in monitoring of water quality and harmful algae blooms in Oklahoma lakes
, 33rd Annual Oklahoma Governor’s Water Conference & 10th Water Resource Research Symposium, Nov. 13, 2012
Hambright, K.D., Zhang, J., Easton, J.D., Easton, A.C., Biradar, C., Xiao, X.,
The potential use of remote sensing and citizen science in monitoring of water quality and harmful algae blooms in Oklahoma lakes
, 33rd Annual Oklahoma Governor’s Water Conference & 10th Water Resource Research Symposium, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Nov. 13, 2012
Xiao, X.,
Applications of geospatial technologies for the study of zoonotic infectious diseases
, US-China Ecology and Evolution of Infection Diseases (EEID) Collaborative Workshop, Kunming, China, Oct. 19, 2012
Newman, S., Ding, C-Q., McCracken, T., Xiao, X., Zhao, D., Shu, Y., Guo, F., Martin, V., and Takekawa, J.,
A One-Health approach to understanding dynamics of avian influenza in Poyang Lake, China
, the 4th Biennial Conference of International Association for Ecology and Health, Oct. 15, 2012
Julien Cappelle, Delong Zhao, Martha I. Nelson, John Takekawa, Scott Newman, Nicolas Gaidet, Ying Liu, Peng Li, Marius Gilbert, and Xiangming Xiao,
A transdisciplinary study of the risk of transmission and spread of HPAIV H5N1 in Asian intensive agro-ecosystems
, EcoHealth 2012, the 4th Biennial Conference of International Association for Ecology and Health, Kunming, China, Oct. 15, 2012
Julien Cappelle, Delong Zhao, Martha I. Nelson, John Takekawa, Scott Newman, Nicolas Gaidet, Ying Liu, Peng Li, Marius Gilbert, and Xiangming Xiao,
Spread of HPAIV H5N1 from South China Agro-Ecosystems through wild birds migration: a multidisciplinary approach
, Joint WDA EWDA conference, Lyon, France, July 22, 2012
Gilbert, M, Xiao, X., and Slingenbergh, J.,
Agricultural intensification and the emergence of avian influenza in Asia
, , Advances in Geospatial Technology for Health, ISPRS Commission VIII/WG-2, Remote Sensing Applications and Policies: Health, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, Sept. 12, 2011
Xiao, X., Biradar, C., Wang, A., Sheldon, S. and Chen, Y.,
Recovery of vegetation canopy after severe fire in 2000 at the Black Hills National Forest, South Dakota, USA
, The 96th ESA Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas. , Aug. 12, 2011
Xiao, X.,
Community remote sensing, land use and land cover change, and disease ecology
, The East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, Aug. 10, 2011
Jinwei Dong, Xiangming Xiao, Sage Sheldon, Chandrashekhar Biradar. ,
Mapping croplands and rubber forests in complex topography landscapes based on PALSAR 50m mosaic image, Landsat and MODIS: a case study in Hainan Island, China.
, NASA Land-Cover and Land-Use Change Science Team Meeting, Adelphi, Maryland (poster),
Biradar, C.M., Gowda, P.H., Hernandez, J.E., Howell, T.A., Marek, T.H., and Xiao, X.,
Irrigated Area Mapping in the Northern High Plains of Texas Using Landsat Thematic Mapper Data
, AGU Fall Meeting, 14-18 December, 2009. San Francisco, California. , Dec. 14, 2010
Jinwei Dong, Xiangming Xiao, Jiyuan Liu. ,
The response diversity of agricultural land use to climate change in Mid-Eastern Inner Mongolia: comparison between warming and drought.
, The GLP (Global Land Project) Open Science Meeting. Arizona State University, Tempe, Oct. 2010. (Oral),
Dong, J., Liu, J., and Xiao, X.,
The responses of agricultural land use to climate change in Mid-Eastern Inner Mongolia: A comparison between warming and drought
, IGBP/IHDP Global Land Project (GLP) 2010 Open Science Meeting, Temple, Arizona, USA. Oct. 17-19, 2010, Oct. 17, 2010
Christina Czarnecki, Michael Palace, Ernst Linder, William Salas, Peter Ingram, Michael Routhier, Nate Torbick, Chengwei Yuan, David Bartlett, Rosemary Caron, Xiangming Xiao and Bobby Braswell,
Examining the spatial and temporal ecology of vector-borne Lyme disease
, The 2010 Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America (ESA), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, August 1-6, 2010. (Poster) , Aug. 1, 2010
Xiao, X., Biradar, C., Sang, H., Wang, J., and Sheldon, S.,
Mapping evergreen forest in the pan-tropical zone using multi-temporal MDOIS images in 2005
, The 2010 IEEE International Geosscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, July 25-30, 2010. (Poster), July 25, 2010
Xiao, X.,
Annual maps of tropical evergreen forests – using MODIS images
, NASA MODIS/VIIRS Science Team Meeting, Washington, DC., January 26-28, 2010. (Invited Speaker), Jan. 26, 2010
Xiao, X., Biradar, C., and Wang, A.,
Quantifying crop intensity (double- and triple- crops) and paddy rice in South and Southeast Asia
, The 15th CEReS International Symposium on Remote Sensing, December 15-16, 2009, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan, (invited Speaker), Dec. 15, 2009
Quantifying crop intensity (double- and triple crops) and paddy rice in South and Southeast Asia
, 15th CEReS International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Chiba University, December 15-16, 2009 (Invited Speaker), Dec. 15, 2009
Xiao, X., Biradar, C.M., Zhao, D., Takekawa, J., Prosser, D., Newman, S., Gilbert, M., Lei, F., Liu, Y., Ji, W., Slingenbergh, J.,
Application of Geospatial Technology for Ecology and Epidemiology of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (H5N1)
, 12th Annual Oklahoma South Central Arc Users Group (SCAUG) Conference, October 20, 2009, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma., Oct. 20, 2009
Biradar, C.M., Xiao, X., Kalfas, J., Beltran, D.V.,
Monitoring and Forecasting for Agricultural Production and Biofuel Feedstock
, 12th Annual Oklahoma South Central Arc Users Group (SCAUG) Conference, October 20, 2009, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oct. 20, 2009
Biradar, C.M., Xiao, X., and Wang, A.,
Tropical Evergreen Forest Cover Mapping and Monitoring at Global Scale using time-series MODIS images
, 4th Global Vegetation Workshop, June 16-19, 2009. Missoula, Montana. , July 16, 2009
Xiao, X., Biradar, C.M., Wang, A. ,
Monitoring Agricultural Intensification (cropping intensity and inundation) in the Tropical Zone Using Time-Series of MODIS images in 2000-2008
, 4th Global Vegetation Workshop, June 16-19, 2009. Missoula, Montana. , July 16, 2009
Salas, W., Torbick, N., Li, C., Fearon, M., Xiao, X., and Holst, E.,
Utilizing PALSAR to parameterize a biogeochemical model to quantify impacts of rice paddy inundation status of greenhouse gas emissions
, IGASS 2009 Conference, July 13-17, 2009, Cape Town, South Africa, July 13, 2009
Xiao, X., Biradar, C., Czarnecki, C., Alabi, T., and Keller, M.,
A simple and novel algorithm for large-scale mapping of evergreen forests in tropical America, Africa and Asia
, NASA LCLUC Science Team meeting, March 31 – April 2, 2009, Bethesda, Maryland, (Poster), March 31, 2009
Xiao, X.,
Developing land cover data products in monsoon Asia over the period of 2004-2007 through integration of Landsat and multi-temporal L-band PALSAR/ALOS imagery
, NASA LCLUC Science Team Meeting, January 12-17, 2009, Khon Kaen, Thailand, Jan. 12, 2009
Xiao, X.,
Carbon flux model and land use
, International workshop on Monsoon Asia Tropical Forest Carbon Dynamics and Sustainability, January 8-11, 2009, Mekong Institute, Khon Kaen, Thailand, (Invited Speaker), Jan. 8, 2009
Xiao, X.,
phenology and carbon fluxes in the terrestrial ecosystems
, , Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Workshop on Human Activity and Ecosystem Changes in China, December 20-22, 2008, Beijing, China, (Invited Speaker). , Dec. 20, 2008
Xiao, X.,
. Phenology and carbon fluxes in seasonally moist tropical forests in the Amazon Basin
, 10 Years Operational Global Vegetation Monitoring (1998-2008), December 9-10, 2008, Brussels, Belgium, organized by Belgium Science Policy, European Union JRC, CNES, Swedish National Space Board, (Invited Speaker)., Dec. 10, 2008
Xiao, X.,
Ecology-based risk assessment of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Asia
, United Nations/India/European Space Agency Workshop on Using Space Technology for tele-health to Benefit Asia and the Pacific, October 20-23, 2008, Lucknow, India, (Invited speaker)., Oct. 20, 2008
Xiao, X.,
Identifying and mapping flooded land surface
, FAO/WHO Workshop on Rift Valley Fever Outbreak Forecasting Models, September 29 – October 1, 2008, Rome, Italy (Invited Speaker)., Sept. 1, 2008
Xiao, X.,
Geospatial technology and datasets for wild bird ecology and avian influenza
, FAO-USDA-USAID-WCS Workshop on Wildlife and Avian Influenza: Regional Surveillance and Research Priorities in Asia, September 1-5, 2007, Bangkok, Thailand, (Invited speaker). , Sept. 1, 2007
Xiao, X.,
Geospatial technology, disease ecology and decision support system
, Regional Expert Meeting on Using Space Technology for Avian Influenza Monitoring and Early Warning in Asia, August 1-3, 2007, Bangkok, Thailand, UNESCAP/UNOOSA/ (Invited speaker). , Aug. 1, 2007
Xiao, X.,
Satellite-based modeling of gross primary production of terrestrial vegetation: a perspective from leaf chlorophyll and water
, Eco-Summit 2007, Beijing, China, May 23, 2007 (Invited speaker), May 23, 2007
Xiao, X.,
Earth observation and risk assessment of highly pathogenic avian influenza
, School of Public Health at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA, February 6, 2007. (Invited Seminar Speaker), Feb. 6, 2007
Xiao, X.,
., Ecology-based risk assessment and early warning of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Asia
, 7th National Conference on Science, Policy and the Environment: Integrating Environment and Human Health, February 1-2, 2007, Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Washington, D.C., National Council for Science and the Environment. (, Feb. 1, 2007
Xiao, X.,
., Ecology and risk factors of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Asia
, Chinese Academy of Sciences and United States Geological Survey Avian Influenza Joint Planning Session, Beijing, China, January 10-12, 2007, Jan. 10, 2007
Xiao, X.,
Earth observations and wild birds – wetland – agriculture complex system
, International workshop on Earth Observations and Wild Birds – Wetlands – Agriculture Complex System, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang, China, December 2-4, 2006, Dec. 2, 2006
Xiao, X.,
Earth observations and ecology of avian influenza
, International workshop on Ecology and Risk Factors of Highly Pathogenic Influenza in China, Qingdao, China, November 28-30, 2006, Nov. 28, 2006
Xiao, X.,
Phenology and gross primary production
, Seminar at Chinese Academy of Meteorological Science, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing, China, August 3, 2006, Aug. 3, 2006
Xiao, X.,
Leaf chlorophyll content, light absorption by chlorophyll and gross primary production
, Seminar at National Satellite Meteorological Center, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing, China, August 2, 2006, Aug. 2, 2006
Xiao, X., Hagen, S., Zhang, Q., Keller, M., and Moore, B. III,
Detecting leaf phenology of seasonally moist tropical forests with multi-temporal MODIS images
, AGU West Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Beijing, China, July 24 – 27, 2006. (Poster), July 24, 2006
Xiao, X.,
Global land remote sensing
, Seminar at Asia Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, July 13, 2006., July 13, 2006
Xiao, X.,
Mapping and monitoring of paddy rice
, cropping intensity and calendar using multi-temporal MODIS imagery, FAO Workshop on Study of HPAI and Agro-Ecology Risk Factors in Thailand, July 5-7, 2006, Bangkok, Thailand, July 5, 2006
Xiao, X., Gilbert, M., Slingenbergh, J., and Lei, F.,
Remote sensing, ecological variables, and bird migration
, The FAO/OIE International Scientific Conference on Avian Influenza and Wild Birds, May 30-31, 2006, Rome, Italy (Invited Speaker). , May 30, 2006
Xiao, X.,
Ecosystem vulnerability under stresses of climate change
, land use and avian flu, US-China Climate Change Forum, University of California, Berkeley, May 23-24, 2006 (Invited Panel Member and Speaker), May 23, 2006
Xiao, X.,
Global remote sensing products for croplands
, The CarboEurope International Workshop on Modeling Management and Dynamics of Grass- and Croplands Across Scales, May 17-19, 2006, University of Bayreuth, Germany, (Invited Speaker), May 17, 2006
Xiao, X.,
Bird flu, agriculture and remote sensing
, Seminar at USDA/ARS Office of International Research Program, Maryland, April 13, 2006, April 13, 2006
Zhang, Q., Xiao, X., Braswell, B., Linder, E., and Moore, B. III.,
Estimation of leaf chlorophyll content and the fraction of light absorption by chlorophyll using MODIS images and a radiative transfer model
, American Geophysical Union 2005 Fall Annual Meeting, December 5-10, 2005, San Francisco, California, Dec. 5, 2005
Xiao, X., Boles, S., Mulukutla, G., Proussevitch, A., and Routhier, M.,
Large-scale mapping and monitoring of crop intensity, calendar and irrigation using multi-temporal MODIS data
, America Geophysical Union 2005 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 5-10, 2005, Dec. 5, 2005
Alferi, J., Xiao, X., Niyogi, D., Pielke, R., Chen, F., and LeMone, P.,
Application and validation of a MODIS-based Vegetation Transpiration Model over Southern Great Plains using IHOP 2002 data
, America Geophysical Union 2005 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 5-10, 2005, Dec. 5, 2005
Xiao, X.,
Satellite-based mapping and monitoring of agriculture in China and Eastern Asia, Workshop on Remote Sensing and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) Risk Assessment
, United Nations Food and Agriculture (FAO), Animal Health Division, Rome, Italy, October 3-5, 2005, (Invited Talk), Oct. 3, 2005
Xiao, X.,
Satellite-based modeling of gross primary productio
, EEES Seminar Series, Department of Earth, Ecological and Environmental Sciences, University of Toledo, Todedo, Ohio, USA, September 16, 2005, Sept. 16, 2005
Xiao, X., Zhang, Q., Boles, S., and Li, C.,
Development of multi-year vegetation indices databases for Northern Eurasia from VEGETATION and MODIS sensors
, 31st International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment: Global Monitoring for Sustainability and Security, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 20-24, 2005. (Oral Talk), June 20, 2005
Xiao, X., Zhang, Q., and Boles, S.,
Fraction of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by leaf chlorophyll (FPARchl) in Northern Eurasia
, The workshop of the GOFC-GOLD Northern Eurasia Regional Information Network (NERIN) “Observations of Land Cover and Needs of Research Projects in Northern Eurasia”, June 18-19, 2005, Saint Petersburg, Russia, (Poster), June 18, 2005
Xiao, X.,
Quantifying CO2 fluxes from boreal forests in Northern Eurasia
, International Conference on Land Cover and Land Use Change Processes in North East Asia Region, February 2-5, 2005, Harbin, China. (Oral talk), Feb. 2, 2005
Xiao, X., Boles, S., Frolking, S., Li, C., Salas, W., and Moore III, B.,
Satellite-based mapping of paddy rice agriculture in Asia, EOS Transaction
, AGU 2004 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 13, 2004. (Oral Talk), Dec. 13, 2004
Xiao, X., D. Hollinger, Q. Zhang, S. Boles, J. Aber, and B. Moore III.,
Quantifying seasonal dynamics and inter-annual variation of gross primary production of boreal forests from 1998 through 2002
, International Boreal Forest Research Association (IBFRA) Science Conference “Climate-Disturbance Interactions in Boreal Forest Ecosystems”, Fairbanks, Alaska, May 3-7, 2004. (Poster), May 3, 2004
Xiao, X.,
Satellite-based modeling of gross primary production in a deciduous broadleaf forest
, 15th Annual Harvard Forest Ecology Symposium (NIGEC/LTER), Harvard Forest, March 29, 2004, Petersham, MA, USA. (Invited talk), March 29, 2004
Blaisdell, B., Sahagian, D., Xiao, X., and Braswell, B.,
Using remote sensing to estimate global impounded water in small artificial reservoirs
, AGU Fall Meeting, December 8-12, 2003, San Francisco, USA, Dec. 8, 2003
Xiao, X.,
Changes in land use, water use and biogeochemical cycles
, Seminar at the Research Institute of Humanity and Nature, Ministry of Culture, Education, Sports, Science and Technology, October 29, 2003, Kyoto, Japan, Oct. 29, 2003
Xiao, X.,
Changes in land use, water use and biogeochemical cycles: A remote sensing approach
, Seminar at the Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Sciences, October 26, 2003, Beijing, China, Oct. 26, 2003
Xiao, X.,
Scaling-up gross primary production of forests: a remote sensing approach
, Seminar at the Institute of Geographical Science and Natural Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, October 24, 2003, Beijing, China, Oct. 24, 2003
Xiao, X.,
Changes in land use and biogeochemical cycles in Temperate East Asia
, International Symposium on Space Technology Application for Sustainable Dry-land development and Desertification Monitoring, 22-24 October, 2003, Beijing, China. Organized by United Nations Economic and Social Commission for the Asia and Pacific (ESC, Oct. 22, 2003
Xiao, X., Boles, S., Liu, J., Zhuang, D., Liu, M., Frolking, S., Li, C. and Moore, B.,
Large-scale mapping and monitoring of flooding and paddy rice agriculture in southern China using MODIS images
, Global Water System Project (GSWP) Open Science Conference, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA, October 7 – 9, 2003. (Poster), Oct. 7, 2003
Xiao, X., Boles, S., Liu, J., Zhuang, D., Liu, M., Frolking, S., Li, C. and Moore, B.,
Development of global datasets of vegetation indices for observations of the terrestrial biosphere, using multi-year (1998-2001) images from VEGETATION sensor
, Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI) Science Plan Workshop, Suzdal, Russia, April 23-25, 2003. (Poster), April 23, 2003
Xiao, X.,
Land degradation and desertification in Mongolia Plateau: Land use change, climate variation and satellite observations
, The Sino-US Workshop on Dust Storm and Its Effect on Human Health, November 25-26, 2002, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, Sponsored by NOAA, NASA, EPA, USDA and North Carolina State University (Invited), Nov. 25, 2002
Xiao, X.,
Satellite observation of vegetation: Global data sets derived from images of VEGETATION sensor onboard SPOT-4
, SPIE 3rd International Asia-Pacific Environmental Remote Sensing Symposium, Hangzhou, China, October 23-27, 2002. (Invited), Oct. 23, 2002
Xiao, X., Boles, S., Liu, J., Zhuang, D., and Liu, M.,
Characterization of forest types in Northeastern China, using multi-temporal SPOT-4 VEGETATION sensor data
, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Toronto, Canada, June 24 – 28, 2002. (Poster)., June 24, 2002
Xiao, X., Braswell, B., Zhang, Q., Boles, S., Frolking, S., and Moore, B.,
Satellite-based observations of interannual variation of vegetation water content and productivity in Northern Asia during 1998-2001
, AGU 2002 Spring Meeting, Washington, D.C., May 31, 2002. (Oral presentation, May 31, 2002
Xiao, X. et al.,
Observation and characterization of land cover types in China using SPOT-4 VEGETATION sensor data
, Invited poster presentation at the Workshop on Development of Western China and Strategies for Development of Tibet Plateau, Lhasa, Tibet Plateau, China, August 18-25, 2001. (Poster), Sept. 18, 2001
Xiao, X.,
., Application of geo-spatial technology for grassland ecosystem science
, Invited oral presentation at the International Symposium on Sustainable Development of Grassland Ecosystem (SDGE-2001), Xilinhot, Inner Mongolia, China, August 27-30, 2001, Aug. 27, 2001
Xiao, X. et al.,
Changes of cropland area in China: observations from land surveys in early-1980s and Landsat TM images in mid-1990s
, Paper contribution to the International Conference on Land Use/Cover Change Dynamics, Beijing, China, in August 26-30, 2001.(Poster), Aug. 26, 2001
Frolking S., J. Qiu, S. Boles, X. Xiao, J. Liu, C. Li, X. Qin,
Combining Remote Sensing and Ground Census Data to Develop New Maps of the Distribution of Rice Agriculture in China
, EOS Trans. Suppl. 82., May 31, 2001
Frolking S., J. Qiu, S. Boles, X. Xiao, J. Liu, C. Li, X. Qin, H. Tang,
Combining Remote Sensing and Ground Census Data to Develop New Maps of the Distribution of Cropland in China
, IGBP Open Science Conference, Amsterdam, May 31, 2001
Li C, Zhuang Y, Frolking S, Galloway J, Harriss R, Moore B, Schimel D, Wnag X, and Xiao X.,
Soil organic matter loss threatens sustainability of Chinese agriculture: a modeling study of coupled C and N biogeochemical cycles
, IGBP Open Science Conference, Amsterdam, May 31, 2001
Xiao, X.,
Seminar at Institute of Geographical Science and Natural Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, May 17, 2001
, Quantify uncertainties in mapping of land use and land cover changes at large spatial scales, May 17, 2001
Xiao, X.,
Sub-pixel mapping of cropland in China, using multi-temporal VEGETATION sensor data and spectral mixture analysis
, Invited oral presentation at the Global Land Cover 2000 Map Methods Workshop, Space Application Institute, European Commission Joint Research Center, Ispra (VA), Italy, March 28-29, 2001, March 28, 2001
Xiao, X.,
Application of IKONOS images in support of researches in the NASA LBA-Ecology Program
, Invited oral and plenary presentation at NASA/USGS/NIMA High Spatial Resolution Commercial Imagery Workshop, March 19-21, 2001, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA, March 19, 2001
Xiao, X.,
Landscape-scale spatial heterogeneity for the eddy-flux tower sites in Amazon Basin
, LBA-Ecology Open Science Meeting, Feb. 12-14, 2001, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. (Oral presentation), Feb. 12, 2001
Xiao, X.,
A multi-sensor/resolution image database for the eddy-flux tower sites in Amazon Basin
, The LBA-Ecology Open Science Meeting, Feb. 12-14, 2001, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, (poster)., Feb. 12, 2001
Xiao, X., and B. Moore III,
Uncertainty in estimates of cropland area in China
, invited oral presentation at the plenary section of the International Conference on Asian Environmental System and Global Change, Nov. 15-17, 2000, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, Nov. 15, 2000
Romanov, P. and X. Xiao,
Satellite snow cover observations: methods and available products
, Invited poster at the first Global Observation of Forest Cover (GOFC) Workshop on Boreal Forests at Novosibirsk (Academgorodok), Siberia, Russia, August 28 – September 1, 2000, Aug. 28, 2000
Xiao, X., and B. Moore III., L. He, W. Salas, S. Frolking, C. Li and R. Zhao,
Large-scale/coarse-resolution characterization of paddy rice agriculture in China using VEGETATION sensor data in SPOT 4
, American Geophysical Union 2000 Spring Meeting, Washington, D.C., May 30-June 3, 2000, in Biogeosciences section, Remote Sensing of the Biosphere II, invited oral presentation, May 30, 2000
Xiao, X., and B. Moore III., L. He, W. Salas, S. Frolking, C. Li and R. Zhao,
Large-scale/coarse-resolution characterization of paddy rice agriculture in China using VEGETATION sensor data in SPOT 4
, American Geophysical Union 2000 Spring Meeting, Washington, D.C., May 30-June 3, 2000, in Biogeosciences section, Remote Sensing of the Biosphere II, invited oral presentation, May 30, 2000
Xiao, X.,
Spatial and temporal dynamics of global potential croplands
, Poster at the GCTE-LUCC Open Science Conference “Earth’s Changing Land”, Barcelona, Spain, 14-18 March, 1998, March 14, 1998
Xiao, X.,
Transient climate change and potential croplands in the 21st century
, Oral presentation at The 2nd LUTEA international conference in Beijing, March 2-5, 1998, March 2, 1998
Xiao, X.,
Biological productions in regional economies: responses to projected climate change
, Oral presentation at the Symposium “Economic consequence of climate change on forestry sector”, the AAAS Annual Meeting at Philadelphia, Feb. 12 – 17, 1998, Feb. 12, 1998
Xiao, X.,
Integrated Assessment
, Oral presentation at the NSF SIMS workshop at Martha Vinyard, Massachusetts, October 12-14, 1997, Oct. 12, 1997
Xiao, X.,
Initial comments on the impacts of climate change on agriculture and forestry
, Invited oral presentation at the MIT Global Change Forum, Sept. 30-Oct. 1, 1997, Boston, MA, Sept. 30, 1997
Xiao, X.,
Transient climate change and net ecosystem production of the terrestrial biosphere
, Oral presentation at the 82nd Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Albuquerque, New Mexico, August 11-14, 1997, Aug. 11, 1997
Xiao, X.,
An update of the MIT Integrated Global System model
, Oral presentation at the Energy Modeling Forum Climate Change Impacts and Integrated Assessment Workshop at Snowmass, Colorado, August 4-14, 1997, Aug. 4, 1997
Xiao, X.,
Sustainable development and integrated assessment of climate change
, Oral presentation at the Symposium for Young Scientist on Strategy of Sustainable Development of China. July 22-24, 1997, Beijing, China, July 22, 1997
Xiao, X.,
Integrated assessment of global climate change
, Seminar at the IGBP-IHDP-WCRP START Temperate East Asia Regional Research Center, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, July 21, 1997, July 21, 1997
Xiao, X.,
Linking TEM to the MIT Global System Model for integrated assessment of global change
, Seminar of Spring 1997 at the Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, January 7, 1997, Jan. 7, 1997
Xiao, X.,
Carbon fluxes and storage of the terrestrial biosphere
, Seminar at the Department of Environmental Engineering Science, University of Florida, Gainsville, Florida, December 6, 1996, Dec. 6, 1996
Xiao, X.,
Spatial patterns of net primary production of terrestrial ecosystems in China
, Workshop on Regional Climate Modeling System for Asia, NCAR, Boulder, Colorado, September 16-17, 1996, Sept. 16, 1996
Xiao, X.,
The linkage between climate model and ecosystem model for climate impact analysis
, Oral presentation at the Energy Modeling Forum 14 Workshop on Climate Change Impact and Integrated Assessment. Snowmass, Colorado, July 24 - August 2, 1996, July 24, 1996
Xiao, X., C.D. Bonham and D.S. Ojima,
Regional Climate-Vegetation Patterns of Inner Mongolia
, Oral presentation at the 2nd International Workshop on Grassland Ecosystems of the Mongolian Steppe at Racine, Wisconsin, USA, November 4-7, 1993, Nov. 4, 1993
Xiao, X,
Regional Modeling of Grassland Biogeochemistry in Inner Mongolia
, Poster for The 2nd International Conference on Integrating Geographical Information Systems and Environmental Modelling at Breckenridge, Colorado, USA, September 26-30, 1993, Sept. 26, 1993
Xiao, X., D.S. Ojima, D.S. Schimel and Z. Chen,
Landcover Classification of Xilin River Basin, Inner Mongolia, Using Landsat TM Imagery
, Oral presentation at The 2nd International Workshop on Land-Atmosphere Interaction Experiment in Inner Mongolia Grasslands, Beijing, China, August 25-30, 1993, Aug. 25, 1993