The Remote Sensing Laboratory
This lab is equipped with a number of instruments for in-situ data collection in hyperspectral remote sensing, multi-spectral remote sensing, thermal remote sensing, as well as landscape and vegetation surveys.
Optical remote sensing
- One ASD FieldSpec@Handheld (325 – 1075 nm)
- One ASD FieldSpec@3 (350 – 2500 nm)
- ASD Integrated Sphere
- Plant probe and leaf clip One ADC Agricultural Digital Camera
Thermal remote sensing
- One FLIR R&D infrared camera (FLIR SC600)
Landscape surveys
- One Ford F-150 truck,
- One GeoExplorer 2008 series high accuracy GPS receiver,
- 12 handheld GPS receivers, 44 GPS-digital cameras
Vegetation analyses
- One LI-COR 2000 plant canopy analyzer,
- One Li-COR 2200 plant canopy analyzer,
- One oven for drying plant and soil samples,
- One refrigerator
Wild birds and biodiversity
- Two binocular for wild bird watch,
- 12 GPS data loggers
Mobile workstations
- Two mobile PCs (Thinkpad),
- One high-end mobile workstation for the field data collection